Smiling woman with umbrella

Max at a Glance

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More than 10 Million Bottles Sold
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Groundbreaking Glutathione technology with 4 US patents and 38 years of research
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World-class leadership team with a proven track record scaling wellness brands into the billions
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Clear growth strategy across multiple distribution channels and territories
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Poised to capture one of the hottest segments of the  $1.8T wellness market
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Potential to expand RiboCeine technology to other supplements and markets
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Recent human clinical trial shows Max products resulted in up to 64.7% increase in serum glutathione levels

Deal Terms

Min Investment:
Series A Preferred Stock
Regulation D:
Rule 506c
Round Type:
Series A
Round Size:

Investment Perks

These time and investment size based perks get you more shares for your money

Time-Based Bonuses

Bonus Shares %
Weeks 1-4
Weeks 5-6
Weeks 7-8
Weeks 9-10

Investment Size-
Based Bonuses

Bonus Shares % Credits

“The most powerful antioxidant that you have never heard of. It is one of the keys to fighting off the diseases you fear the most; the Super-Hero of antioxidants.”

Dr Oz - LiveMax Images
– Dr. Oz

“It is the most important antioxidant.”

Dr David Katz - LiveMax Images
– Dr. David Katz,
Founder of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center

“It is very appropriate to consider Glutathione the master antioxidant; it is the maestro of the immune system. It is the master of the antioxidant universe.”

Dr Jeanette Roberts - LiveMax Images
– Dr. Jeanette Roberts
Dean of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Wisconsin

“With respect to cellular health, there’s air, water, and then Glutathione.”

Dr Gregory Brevetti - LiveMax Images
– Gregory Brevetti,
MD Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon

“It is very appropriate to consider Glutathione the master antioxidant; it is the maestro of the immune system. It is the master of the antioxidant universe.”

Dr Jeanette Roberts - LiveMax Images
– Dr. Jeanette Roberts
Dean of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Wisconsin
Nutritional product line - LiveMax Images

The Body's Master Antioxidant

Found in all 30 trillion cells in your body

Over 75 diseases have been linked to low levels of Glutathione, and Glutathione levels decline every year after the age of 20

Glutathione Defends Your Cells Against:
  • Free radicals

  • Chemical toxins

  • Radiation

  • Heavy metals

  • Pollution

Glutathione Powers
Your Cells To:
  • Battle Oxidative Stress

  • Reinforce Antioxidant Defense

  • Maintain a Healthy Immune System

  • Support healthier aging to assist in maximizing your lifespan

Nutritional Product line - LiveMax Images
Dr Nagasawa - LiveMax Images

Why Glutathione Supplementation Hasn’t Worked...

...Until Now

Glutathione supplements are typically broken down by the digestive system before reaching cells, rendering them useless.

Until Dr. Herbert Nagasawa made a breakthrough…


Dr. Nagasawa’s Breakthrough in Glutathione Delivery

Dr. Herbert Nagasawa, a renowned 97 year old medicinal chemist, dedicated his career to solving the glutathione puzzle. His groundbreaking discovery, RiboCeine, is the only scientifically proven molecule that effectively delivers cysteine to cells. It bypasses the digestive system’s defenses, enabling cells to produce glutathione.

Invest Now

Max Products Offer Unparalleled Validation and Innovation in Nutritional Science

Nowhere else will you find this level of scientific validation and proprietary protection, making Max International’s RiboCeine technology a significant investment opportunity in the booming health supplement market.”

Patent Protected by
4 US Patents
Over 40 years of research
55 Peer-Reviewed Studies
180k PubMed Articles Written on Glutathione

The PRUVN Study
on Glutathione:

Independent 3rd Party Lab, PRUVN, performed a double-blind placebo-controlled study focused on healthy adults

The Results:

Participants aged 51-60 who took RiboCeine saw a whopping 64% increase in Glutathione levels compared to a 3.6% decrease in Glutathione for the placebo group
Serum glutathione levels increase with RiboCeine by age
Age 51-60 saw a 64% increase in glutathioneAge 38-50 saw a 16% increase in glutathione
vs. placebo group after 28 days of oral supplementation
Serum glutathione levels in the intervention group vs. placebo
The RiboCeine group saw a 26% increase in Glutathione, while the placebo group saw a 3.6% decline.
changes in baseline after 28 days measured in a spectrophotometric assay

38 Years of Validated Proof

A long history of studies showing efficacy

Chart showing proof - LiveMax Images

Strategic Partners

Chris Mullin

“Max products have helped me physically recover from surgery…have helped me maintain my busy lifestyle…and have helped with pain management.”
NBA Hall of Famer, Chris Mullin

About Chris:

Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist & Member of the Original 1992 Dream Team
Two-time Basketball Hall of Fame Inductee
Former Professional Basketball Player, Executive, and Coach

The Brownlee Brothers

Alistair Brownlee
Jonny Brownlee

"Utilizing Max International's scientifically validated formulas, especially those enhanced with RiboCeine, has been pivotal in our training and overall well-being."
Alistair Brownlee and Jonny Brownlee holding their Olympic Medals.

About the Brownlee Brothers:

World-Class Professional Triathletes
Winners of Three Olympic Gold Medals, One Silver Medal, and One Bronze Medal
Winners of Multiple World and European Triathlon Championships

4.6 out of 5 Stars on Amazon

"I am amazed at the results. I work 10 hours, go home, and sleep so soundly that I dream every night. I am in REM sleep and my body is healing on a cellular level."

Josh W.

“I'm 65 years old and start each day with Cellgevity & MaxN~Fuze. After 2 hours of rollerblading I take some MaxATP to power through a full workout. This stuff works!”

Jasmine Theberge

"I am amazed at the results. I work 10 hours, go home, and sleep so soundly that I dream every night. I am in REM sleep and my body is healing on a cellular level."

Josh W.

“I'm 65 years old and start each day with Cellgevity & MaxN~Fuze. After 2 hours of rollerblading I take some MaxATP to power through a full workout. This stuff works!”

Jasmine Theberge

"I am amazed at the results. I work 10 hours, go home, and sleep so soundly that I dream every night. I am in REM sleep and my body is healing on a cellular level."

Josh W.

“I'm 65 years old and start each day with Cellgevity & MaxN~Fuze. After 2 hours of rollerblading I take some MaxATP to power through a full workout. This stuff works!”

Jasmine Theberge
Young woman in workout garb meditation in pose - LiveMax Images

Industry Veteran Jonathan Flicker Joins
Max International as CEO

Previously scaled Guthy Renker from $30M to $1.8B in Sales

Jonathan Flicker - LiveMax Images
“When I was pitched the CEO role at Max, I was interested. When I saw the technology, I had to join.”
– Jonathan Flicker
Jonathan’s Career:
Launched and managed brands generating over $12B in sales
Scaled Guthy Renker from $30M to $1.8B in sales
Launched Ageless Male ($150M/year) and Super Beta Prostate ($90M/year)

Max's Winning Formula:
World-Class Product + World-Class Marketing

Over 10 million bottles sold, and primed for rapid growth:

Product Approval in
22 Countries
3 Manufacturing Plants
Global Distribution
Following a proven supplement marketing process:
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Phase 1:
Network Marketing to grow sales with low fixed costs
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Phase 2:
DTC sales, selling via website to expand reach
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Phase 3:
Retail, expanding reach further and building a brand
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Phase 4:
Affiliate marketing, selling through Drs, one of the most trusted recommendation sources
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Phase 5:
Bulk sales to food manufacturers
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Phase 6:
World Domination

Tapping into the $1.8T Global Wellness Market, Growing 5-10% Per Year

82% of US consumers consider wellness a top priority
With an aging population, the longevity market is exploding. Consumers are seeking effective, research-backed products to optimize health and vitality. We believe Max can become the go-to brand for health-conscious consumers worldwide.

Beyond Pills:

The Key to Unlocking Glutathione’s Potential

While we believe Max's current product potential is massive, we’re not satisfied with massive. We plan to develop new delivery methods and products to bring Glutathione to the world, including:
Max One product - LiveMax Images
Oral concentrated drops
Powders for drink and food additives
Pet products
Bulk sales as ingredient for food, pet, longevity
And, much, much more…

Join the Max Revolution as an Investor Today

By investing in Max, you're becoming part of what we believe is the next phase of human health and longevity.
Together, we aim to make the world a healthier place.
Invest Now

Explore the Max Product Lineup

You can begin the next phase in your own health journey by experiencing Max's breakthrough product lineup firsthand.

Discover More at
LiveMax.comThe entire Livemax nutritional product line - LiveMax Images

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About The Current Raise

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About Max International, Inc.

What is Max International, Inc.’s core business?
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When will Max International, Inc. expand into additional markets and revenue streams and which ones?
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Disclosures and Risk Factors for Investors

All investors should review the risk disclosures below, also available in Form C filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission.

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